
6:40 PM
участь у відеоконференції

участь у відео конференції

The video conference that took place on April 24, 2019 on the topic of Power of Narratives.

Summary of the dialogue: Students talked about narratives that had a significant influence in their lives. Students from the USA talked about the stories they learned about their history as coming from migrant families and the challenges they faced. Students from Mexico talked about philosophical questions and search for meaning, the narrative and challenges of being an only child or of coming from a divorced family, and the importance of having a national identity that promotes understanding of other cultures. Students from Ukraine talked about bullying, and family and school as influencers. Students from Jordan talked about personal characteristics and feelings. Students then asked about topics opened during the first round like more information about religion and being an agnostic, bullying (followed by sharing of personal experiences about being bullied), the challenges of immigration (mostly about challenges in the US but wherein a Jordanian student talked very so slightly about Syrian immigrants in Jordan and a student from Mexico also made a note about the country being a host and a pathway to immigrants).

Learning opportunities that teachers can follow through on: As immigration was a topic students talked and asked about, it would be good for teachers to continue the discussion on this topic - why immigration is a big topic among the US students, the role of Mexico in the immigration of South Americans, the immigration from Syria to Jordan, and whether there is an immigration issue in Ukraine.

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